Singh the Season of Changes.

The World around us is so obvious !
but Think About it.

Web 2.0 vs My Bed

Who cares about the page elements, CSS, php, scripts, Joomla, and all the random web developing related stuff. Whats the fuss about, the changing face of internet. Users getting their share of contribution in new websites. Facebook, Twitter, Blogs and other social networking sites replacing the identity cards. I remember using older website templates, when we used to edit the "contact me" page, with weird "form-to-email" scripts, easy to get them Googled. I made my first website, when I was 16 years old, that was the time, when I wondered at the ASP scripted guestbooks, I was determined to make one, so I tried all the "poor" tricks like reading the codes of that guestbooks, tried downloading them, and ended up making a third party guestbook to use. If I had to go back in good old times, then I would choose to go in 2004, when I learned HTML, the basic markup language, I would go writing heavy scripts, embedding images, songs/videos, and upload them on some free hosting sites like
Time passed, and I grew up, and back in the early college days, I read a book on ASP, even though most things went above my head,  I completed half reading. I tried to make use of my knowledge and again, copied the script from some website. But that time, I knew how to edit the code. Bam, and there I was, with my first ASP, guestbook. but the spam protection was lousy since I had never been familiar with any captcha codes before.
Then my nerd colleague(try reading my earlier blogs, for his name) introduced me to that powerful PHP, darn it, I hated it earlier, but I dont understand why I liked it at any point of time. I made my next "contact-me" form with PHP. After that, I went loosing it all, and relaxed to breathe a little.
Thats how I left the GEEK SQUAD !!

Now I preferably choose my Bed over studying WEB 2.0 (new kind of internet interfacing, where users get to develop the web space, you can use the examples of blogging sites with user comments and inputs). I love not being into any of them web designing things.
Why cant we just sit and use these technologies, instead of peeling there skin off, to see the fundamentals, I take pride in being a Singh who can edit the God-darn codes well and avoid them at the same time ! I would lie on the bed thinking about the better things in life, majorly dreaming.

Some more posts on my dreams and experience with the tech world, coming soon for sure =)

Singh ( ਸਿੰਘ )

About Him

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Singh is an uber basic human, a bird, and a breadth. He writes to the head - above and below it. To learn more about him, keep singhing !

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