Singh the Season of Changes.

The World around us is so obvious !
but Think About it.

Need a Reason

I was thinking about the happy moments in our life. No quotations to be quoted, no "third person" experience to be taken, just our own happy moments. What actually is "Happiness" ?
Thomas Jefferson, in "Life, liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness" defines it saying,
"It is neither wealth nor splendor, but tranquility and occupation, which gives happiness."
But not everyone is lucky enough to think of his own describable definition. We all know this, think about the scene at a local Railway Station, the unstoppable massive crowd, some like 5000 people. How many among them are happy (may be all of them are happy) ? How many of them are getting helped by our regular efforts to improve their lifestyle ?
its hard to think about the individual, because someone has already said :
"Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people" - Eleanor Roosevelt.
Though the above statement doesnt have the literal meaning, of what we are going into, still it has something to do with the "think-about-people" mentality. Leaving behind all kinds of confusions. Last week I got a chance to visit Ghaziabad, it was a visit to satisfy myself academically. There are a lot of rural people, living in slum houses, those who dont do much to earn, but live peacefully/or not, where they have been told to. I was amazed to see that a lot of there kids are being grown up to live from hand to mouth. They are not going to regular schools, not getting the social values/if they are important. But still I drew a similarity between the kids of two different worlds :
  • Both, rich and poor kids have same love for elders and toys, now it depends on, what they get
  • Both the kids have a vision to discover the God/World, now it depends on, what they get 
  • Both the kids share similar packages of emotions, now it depends on, what they get
  • Both the kids have dreamed about their fantasies at some point of their lives, now it depends on, what they get !!
All kids are same, because they are the purest form of life, no ill-feelings, no material love, no greed/hate/etc, no false pride and ahove all no worldish needs. I used to think that everyone on this earth deserves the "Pursuit of Happiness", but I cant really figure out the true meaning of happiness. How come, "Money" is the only need ? If, it is, then why dont all of us have it equally, after all, its man -made. Before the post goes any more radical, I would cut it here to serve my future posts a little.
Some more random posts on World and my Experiences coming soon =)

Singh (ਸਿੰਘ)

About Him

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Singh is an uber basic human, a bird, and a breadth. He writes to the head - above and below it. To learn more about him, keep singhing !

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