Singh the Season of Changes.

The World around us is so obvious !
but Think About it.

Who is Singh

Who is Singh ?
What does he do on this earth ?
Why does he have such weird collection of thoughts ?

Many questions, simple answer :
Singh is a bird, he flies independently in the sky of his thoughts
Singh is a laid back consumer in this earth market
Most of the time he is out of his mind/moron, and the best part is, he knows this
Singh has an evil brain
Singh is not even 0 kind of an intellectual nut
Above aspects are normal, but what's so real super-special about this Singh/.me :

Singh is not a poet
Singh doesn't write diaries
Singh doesn't have an eye for this world, he "Singhs" the world
Singh is an uber basic human

Singh hates novels
Singh doesn't read quotations
Singh hates movies in movie theaters
Singh loves "all types of music"
Singh respects the power of "good" rap music

To end it,

Singh doesn't take interest in knowing the secret of life or the art of living it
Singh doesn't believe in the sense of right and wrong
Singh doesn't believe in the super-natural influx of humans
Singh doesn't know no art of augurs, divination

Singh is an uber basic Human
He likes himself in disguise =) 

In his words :
"A man should have the power to QUESTION"
"...there's quite a world, living around me..."

FTQs (Frequently Thought Questions) :
Q. Why is Singh so weird ?
A. May be, he's trying to add some events to his breadth.

Q. Where does he live ?
A. No one can tell, but his posts give a sense of India.

Q. Why doesn't he let his readers comment ?
A. He doesn't need immediate reactions from his readers, besides he isn't discussing his stuff, he's posting it !

That's what Singh is all about !
"Have more FTQs ? send them in here"
For more information, keep reading the Blog =)

Singh (ਸਿੰਘ)

About Him

My Photo
Singh is an uber basic human, a bird, and a breadth. He writes to the head - above and below it. To learn more about him, keep singhing !

Selective Springs