Singh the Season of Changes.

The World around us is so obvious !
but Think About it.

Cashier's Dilemma

Ever wondered: how systematic the world is? How planned and well-crafted the possibilities are? How every morning when you start your day, you gamble with the world? How you make the choice of taking the right decision at the right moment, among countless other options? It's a mystery we won't understand, unless obviously someone's into Yoga and stuff, then I can't say much. Days ago I asked a couple of people to describe them in one word, and the best word a guy had to define him was free. I think of myself as real, like really, the extent to which I've grown to appreciate and love myself, is unbelievable. I know this word isn't as fancy as "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious", but it is something until I find a better word. I love how weirdly fucked up my mind is. I love how I am not afraid to let myself be cognizant of the realities of it. How I constantly cultivate my thoughts and do not expect anything in return. How I respect my views. All of this, without disrespecting others, or belittling them. I respect diversity. I adore differences. If you and I did not reach unanimity, we'd reach the most beautiful place in the world. That's why I appreciate questions, and in my opinion, we all must question everything. Answers do not answer questions, curiosity does. I believe unbridled curiosity would make us descend into the abyss of endless questions, and that my friends shall be the salvation of our thoughts! Being of one mind is boring. We all are different and unique, and it should reflect in our actions. Why else would we have a conscience, a unique conscience. Differences are dynamic and lively ,and they manifest in many forms in nature, such as: wind blow (difference in atmospheric pressure), water flow (difference in heights of water bodies), a bulb glow (flow of charge due to potential difference), among many others. The flow of water carves rock, a little bit at a time. And our personhood is carved, too, by the flow of our habits. While differences in human ego could be catastrophic, it seems to me that, the same differences if used constructively to know each other via the simplest form of communication (verbal) could make us grow fonder of each other, and relish love. Communication is healthy, and I don't know why, but I get an idea that the art of communicating is dying. IT'D BETTER NOT BE. I'm a communication enthusiast. Communicating is to arguing, what playing is to fighting. Just a couple of bad emotions, and it changes course for worse. I also would not shy away from confessing that I've long thought of myself as a hippie, too. I'm not labeling, but I kind of associate myself with their kinds. They're cool and raw. Sooner or later, we're going to have no other option but to accept and cherish the kind of lives we've gotten, because it's perfect. In the course of time, every shitty shenanigan going on around us, will make sense. We're amazing! Just to quote Bobby McFerrin, don't worry be happy. Love everybody, because we're not stressing ourselves when we're loving, for the reason that this is what we're supposed to do. A lot of things are set out to attack our innocence, love and co-operation. We necessarily must not surrender. The other day I got a chance to say whatever happened to innocence to a girl, which I guess she couldn't understand, and told it to my face that I talk weird, which was nothing new, because I get that a lot (perks of being fucked up). What I actually meant was, whatever happened to innocence. When did everything we talk about get a sexual connotation to it ? When did mothers and sisters start getting honored in profanity ? And while we're at it, when did girls start cursing, damn it, when did boys start it, and god damn it, why ?? Is it something Adam and Eve discovered and passed it on down the blood line. I swear I never understand. Maybe it is a patriarchal society after all, where men are free to swear, and girls get frowned upon for doing so. The way I see it, nobody should curse. Apparently, everything appears gender-centric, everything is about getting the right mate, yeah right, hooray Mr. Darwin. Lately, it has dwindled a lot many things including love. Fine meaning of love from the era of Shakespeare has come of age. Platonic love is one thing, but then being judged for doing it, is another. Love can be of many different forms. For instance, if a guy likes a girl and love spending time with her, that shouldn't infer that he's hitting on her or seeking her permission to get into her pants, and vice versa. Again whatever happened to innocence. I believe it'll improve for better =) 
It's a small life, and it gets responsive as to what we chose it to be. If we take it as dull, boring and sombre, then, well we deserve it, a drab life. If we consider it to be the garden of eden minus disobedience, then it is a fresh start for all of us. Meet new people, talk crazy, be our-friggin'-selves, it's all happening. What's important to keep in mind is that we all are interesting and phenomenal, we just have to let ourselves believe it!
I'd like to shed light on this picture of Kurt Cobain, clicked by Anton Corbijn. It renounces the 
general idea of muscular body and the need of it. Again, being fit is one thing, and pushing our body's threshold to attain a desired number of packs on our abs, is another. No judging, it's just a matter of free choice. Nobody should look down upon any one. If a guy has a toned body, and is in shape, he shouldn't be made fun of for being muscular, and if a guy is thin as a hair, he shouldn't be ill-treated either. It's a beautiful thing to be different. Be grateful for it =) I guess that's that, before I wrap up, I'd like to share one more picture I found on the internet the other day. What's more magical and incredible than a group of strangers helping a couple kiss. This is awesome, and it means something bigger than unity. I'll probably write a post on it sometime soon.

Have a wonderful life until next time, and keep it singhing.
Singh ( ਸਿੰਘ)

About Him

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Singh is an uber basic human, a bird, and a breadth. He writes to the head - above and below it. To learn more about him, keep singhing !

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