Singh the Season of Changes.

The World around us is so obvious !
but Think About it.

Life in Middle-land

Globalization, basic cause of "Patent" fights between countries. When an Indian "Samosa" gets filled with meat and stuff, its called a non-veg Samosa, great invention of the west. Basmati Rice, traditional/Ayurvedic cures and yoga are some typical Indian trademarks getting mixed in the "markets". Before everything gets jumbled, preventive steps are already being taken, I guess. In this world of "World Wide Web", we are the prey and we are the hunter. Series of generations pass, and whats left, is a dull "tradition". I remember the scene of a kid seeking his father's steps to learn the pray and other divination processes. Father passes on the customs either to secure them or to protect his honor, so the next generation doesnt laugh at the precedents.
This post is going to be the most "random" among all the previous ones. Eating an apple, sitting in the bus, amidst the rain, I thought about the codes of conducts/rules for any institution. Who sets them ? What is there validity ? Why do we need to learn them ?
Its a beautiful mind and soul, that we have gotten in this world. Its deep enough to let you have plenty of re-births, just to figure out, what had your previous life, had for you. We know we cant live without water, air, food and some strength. Ever thought about living without the SOUL. The transparent part of the body, that can have no medication, no surgeries, no technological connect. Why is it there ? But first, is it really there ?
I doubt the non-existence of it.
No matter how far we go inside of ourself
No matter how hard we do the drugs to make us feel elated
No matter how flamboyant we become to lead
There will always be "the one" in us. We would always know, where the joy is going into/coming from, we cant really ignore the cause of our pain. Sitting alone, recovering from a trauma, who helps you recollect your "lost strength", just like a "Web Search Engine", its the soul. Science has been overseeing this stuff, but hasnt succeeded yet.

~Left to be completed

About Him

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Singh is an uber basic human, a bird, and a breadth. He writes to the head - above and below it. To learn more about him, keep singhing !

Selective Springs