Singh the Season of Changes.

The World around us is so obvious !
but Think About it.

Inside of me

Reaching out for a voice of the "real" person is not that hard. But, I am more interested in finding the "reality". Yes it is true that we listen to our two voices,
  1. our internal voice
  2. our physical/external voice
 The internal voice could be an "internal monologue" refers to self speaking at a conscious or semi-conscious level, found in the Buddhist perspectives, a phrase saying "Nen nen ju shin ki," which means something like, "Thought following thought.". Or it could be the vibration of the voice box and muscles (pardon my weak Biological knowledge).
The external/physical voice is the voice we produce as a result of vibration of voice box, tongue movements and air variations, that is the sound of "voice" others listen to.
Thus in total, when we hear our self speaking, we actually listen to the combination of these two voices, not the one our friends listen to.
So now, having two voices, how could a person claim to be "one". Should we believe in someone saying, he is the same man, inside and out ? I would say, yes if we can ! Because having two voices doesnt change the character, of course.
In my opinion, everything is relative, relative to us, nature, earth and the God. What we think of our self is completely different from what others think. We live with our self, face the problems together, find the solutions, share the same dreams, help each other keeping the spirit up.
Thinking of the spirits, I want to share this piece of quote,
Bhai Mati Das, “I would rather face death and take on the teeth of the saw than be engulfed in the pain and misery which the comforts of the world bring.” ‘Sir jaave ta jaave, par meri Sikhi sidaq na jaave…  If I have to die, so be it, but may my Sikh faith never go.” [Sikh proverb]
The above sentences really pump me up. Its about the Sikh spirit.
Coming back to the circle of topic, relativity of human. One of my colleague(Aman Gautam, try clicking his name), gave me an advice to "Speak the way I look". Now someone please ask him, didnt I know about this already, I have a fully functional brain, could I not have found it myself. No !
Because this is relativity, what he felt about my speaking pattern is, what I intended to show, but why didnt I see the difference then, because, I had stayed in me, in my mind, and could have never realized the differences my friends observe me. They have there eye to observe me, and like I said the "dual-voice" thing in the beginning,
welcome to the discovery of dual personalities.
  1. the one we live in
  2. the one people make
I want to laugh here, because this all is a silly product of, reactions of random thoughts in my brain, and this is what I call growing up with brain (read the blog). So, which personality to retain and which to shed, well, none. We can not control the behavior of our projections, but we can always try to create a better inner personality.
If this doesnt bring any change, then remember, "In the end, the World unfolds, the way it should".
Some more random thoughts on world, my experiences and dual personalities coming real soon =)

Singh ( ਸਿੰਘ )

About Him

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Singh is an uber basic human, a bird, and a breadth. He writes to the head - above and below it. To learn more about him, keep singhing !

Selective Springs