Singh the Season of Changes.

The World around us is so obvious !
but Think About it.

Growing up with brain

What is it, that keeps us busy thinking ? What causes problems and finds the solution ? What tells you that you are always right and what your life is turning into ? What always forces you to analyze and testify yourself ? What makes you try those things, which you would have never tried at all ? What tells you to feel high and cry ? What gives you an adrenaline rush ? What still calls you a loser or winner ? What reminds you of existence/non-existence of God ? Who wants you to understand "you" ? How do you hear your self ? Who supports you ?
Who, What, Which, Why, How ?

This, center of desiderata has a volume of 1130 cubic centimeters, and has been changing our lives since the first living cell, started respiration.
I hate it when my little mind questions the very obvious duties.
Think about it

  • there would have been no religious wars, if there had been no BRAIN
  • there would have been no "hate" crimes, if there had been no BRAIN
  • there would have been no anti moralities, if there had been no BRAIN
  • there would have been no social divisions, if there had been no BRAIN
  • there would have been no money, if there had been no BRAIN
  • and there probably would have been no rules, if there had been no BRAIN
So, what differences would this have made ?
the answers simple, "we would have become Animals then". Animals, who do what they are made to do, nothing less and nothing more than that ! I dont know whether they are happy or not, but they do seem like never getting bored of their jobs. Cow never gives up eating grass/vegetables and Lions are never, ever going to try vegetables. These animals stay in them. Lion never complains about his hair, Zebras never say "why they'hv got strips", if Hippos were to complain about their heavy weight, Girrafe could also complained about his long neck. Why dont they do it already ?
The answers simple again, "they dont think about it". They are cool the way they were made, no complaints, no hard feelings, they make their way out of the type of bodies/lives they have gotten. They dont even compare the strengths of two different animals, they just go out, eat, sleep and reproduce !
But, a man, well, god darn man has a great way with odds and inabilities. Always hiding his anxiety with his needs and creating the results, he could have never thought of. Today we say, our society has a lot of trouble, "social dilemmas" and problems. Well, if we are to look for an accused ? Then its us. We raised our kids in a kind of society where earning money and glory is the primary concern (it must be, anyway), we have blended ourselves with our miseries. Although we always had a way out of it, yes we always kept the door closed.
Because, we have got a B-R-A-I-N. Whenever a religion/authorities ask us to follow customs, customs for the faith or anything, we question its authenticity, we question its power !

The above sentences were never expected to be the part of this post, it was more likely to be "my" experience post, but it turned out the other way. Thats the magic of brain !!
Some more mismatch coming soon for sure =)

Singh ( ਸਿੰਘ )

About Him

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Singh is an uber basic human, a bird, and a breadth. He writes to the head - above and below it. To learn more about him, keep singhing !

Selective Springs