Singh the Season of Changes.

The World around us is so obvious !
but Think About it.

and things got me started

Blogging has never been my first choice, when it comes to pouring out the random thoughts, but it isnt a "no-go" either. Watching everyone talking their mind out, I thought giving it a shot. So no boasting about the man, you probably be reading about, I would end the introduction saying, "I am Human" .
So here, something about Hue.Man
What does a human do ?
If I had to write only on this, I could write on and on. But, I suppose you wouldnt be happy with the exclusivity. Moving on, the basic human act is : Grow as you Go.

At one time, we go like a king, and the other, we need to recollect our missing strength.
So I would say :
At the beginning of our day, we are the Soldiers,
In the middle of the day, we are the Rebels,
At the end of the days, we are either Winner or Loser.

Soldier : start of a new day with strength, when we are focused.
Rebel : start resisting the odds.
Winner/Loser : how did we succeed.

And if someone doesnt follow the "man-made" days and nights, then he would surely be a "fit for his world", because this thought is also "human" made . Whats exotic here is that, every second is a new start, when we should erase our memory and get ready for the next second, so it might get confusing being a real human.
I possess the above attributes, definitely I am Human !
(image courtesy:

By now you must have figured out, that most of my posts are going to be Insight based, so cheers for that =)
First post on how I got started and random thoughts about human, some more mismatch coming for sure.

Singh ( ਸਿੰਘ )

About Him

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Singh is an uber basic human, a bird, and a breadth. He writes to the head - above and below it. To learn more about him, keep singhing !

Selective Springs