Singh the Season of Changes.

The World around us is so obvious !
but Think About it.

Life in Middle-land

Globalization, basic cause of "Patent" fights between countries. When an Indian "Samosa" gets filled with meat and stuff, its called a non-veg Samosa, great invention of the west. Basmati Rice, traditional/Ayurvedic cures and yoga are some typical Indian trademarks getting mixed in the "markets". Before everything gets jumbled, preventive steps are already being taken, I guess. In this world of "World Wide Web", we are the prey and we are the hunter. Series of generations pass, and whats left, is a dull "tradition". I remember the scene of a kid seeking his father's steps to learn the pray and other divination processes. Father passes on the customs either to secure them or to protect his honor, so the next generation doesnt laugh at the precedents.
This post is going to be the most "random" among all the previous ones. Eating an apple, sitting in the bus, amidst the rain, I thought about the codes of conducts/rules for any institution. Who sets them ? What is there validity ? Why do we need to learn them ?
Do NOT forget to read the complete post !

Need a Reason

I was thinking about the happy moments in our life. No quotations to be quoted, no "third person" experience to be taken, just our own happy moments. What actually is "Happiness" ?
Thomas Jefferson, in "Life, liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness" defines it saying,
"It is neither wealth nor splendor, but tranquility and occupation, which gives happiness."
But not everyone is lucky enough to think of his own describable definition. We all know this, think about the scene at a local Railway Station, the unstoppable massive crowd, some like 5000 people. How many among them are happy (may be all of them are happy) ? How many of them are getting helped by our regular efforts to improve their lifestyle ?
Do NOT forget to read the complete post !

Web 2.0 vs My Bed

Who cares about the page elements, CSS, php, scripts, Joomla, and all the random web developing related stuff. Whats the fuss about, the changing face of internet. Users getting their share of contribution in new websites. Facebook, Twitter, Blogs and other social networking sites replacing the identity cards. I remember using older website templates, when we used to edit the "contact me" page, with weird "form-to-email" scripts, easy to get them Googled. I made my first website, when I was 16 years old, that was the time, when I wondered at the ASP scripted guestbooks, I was determined to make one, so I tried all the "poor" tricks like reading the codes of that guestbooks, tried downloading them, and ended up making a third party guestbook to use. If I had to go back in good old times, then I would choose to go in 2004, when I learned HTML, the basic markup language, I would go writing heavy scripts, embedding images, songs/videos, and upload them on some free hosting sites like
Do NOT forget to read the complete post !

About Him

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Singh is an uber basic human, a bird, and a breadth. He writes to the head - above and below it. To learn more about him, keep singhing !

Selective Springs