Singh the Season of Changes.

The World around us is so obvious !
but Think About it.

੧੬ ਅੰਨਾ ੧ ਰੁਪਈਆ

Singh has been watching all the impetuous revolution going around him. But in his own words, HE IS NOT ANNA. The cause is good, common people are getting aware of corruption and things but, the obduracy being shown by team ANNA is totally unyielding and domineering. Singh'd rather let the government do its function. Singh is not interested in questions like, what if Lokpal happened but didn't come as success (fair chances), the autonomous structure got corrupted just like the previous one ? Then would we be having some other revolution and someone else be seated on Anshans. Singh just thinks, questioning the validity of a 64 year old constitutional system has become so easy while wanting the bill to be passed. Singh is more worried about the role of government and its layered protocols (if there are any), isn't there a particular procedure to address grievances to the parliament and bring about those amendments. Many of the slogan mongers/ ranters are either drunk/ high or completely frustrated by lack of goodness in them or world around them or so.
Singh thinks it's been an empty escape for the mundanely disappointed ones. Had the sanity prevailed, things would have been more systematic and would have been directed by someone more authentic, judicious and accurate. People choose people to be the government, now all of a sudden, the government is the bad guy. Some people were corrupt, the high and low ends of a society, poor and rich discrepancy could have been the motif to be Anshaned for. But no one seems to care about the causes of corruption, a preppy, affluent part of society gets the privileges or their petty rights, by slipping money under the desks or by smelling money to tempt the lalas or netas to get their jobs done, makes the opposite part or sharif/ imaandaar tabbar grumble about the corruption. In the end,
Singh is done kicking words in his head, thus, here's what he thinks, SOME OF US ARE CORRUPT, GOVERNMENT IS OURS, WHO SHOULD BE CHANGED ?
Singh completely and with his full heart respects the courage been shown by Anna Hazare. Anna sure will be the next big thing in India, but somehow Singh couldn't be with him !

If you think that's uncommon, then check this out :
"Shera Di Kaum Punjabi" a song from upcoming movie "Breakaway", which in English means Punjabi is a community of lions, is racist. Anything that bigs up a race or cultural group, implicitly looks down on the rest. And the song is associating Punjabis with Lion, that's surmounting, of course SINGH IS I am Punjabi, but I don't back the thinking that "Punjabis are Lions". In the first place, no one could be lion, were we not happy being only the Humans, that we were left comparing ourselves with the animals to fight our insecurities. The song is pretty cool though, Luda is the man, praises, RDB not much with the singing but the last Dhol fused with the beat is a celebration. I love listening to this song, sometimes in a loop of replays, but the message, ain't so much up with me. And Singh, he is better off not mixing the thought of being a Punjabi with "Sikhism and Guru Gobind Singh or the last name Singh" kind of thoughts, That's not even his concern !

And though, apparently it seems, Singh talks narrow, but so far as possible, HE HAS AN OPINION, and he does not copy better opinions from other people and pretend they're his own. Hate him or Love him, he won't stop Singhing !

PS: The title of this post says in Punjabi, 16 ਅੰਨਾ 1 ਰੁਪਈਆ, that means, 16 Annas equal 1 Rupee, Anna as in currency unit ,sort of.

Singh (ਸਿੰਘ)

About Him

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Singh is an uber basic human, a bird, and a breadth. He writes to the head - above and below it. To learn more about him, keep singhing !

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