Singh the Season of Changes.

The World around us is so obvious !
but Think About it.


Restoring capabilities of a writer's fingers or pen or thoughts, would come as no surprise, were he to destroy the labyrinth of his rapacious mind. I heard some spiritual guru referring to mind as a disease, is it really so ?
I don't often come up with blogs to write, or may be a boy err.. a bird/ a kid/ a Singh/whatever, like me would rather keep the uncooked thoughts in his mind than let the world know about it, I certainly don't despise the technology,
obviously no one can be allergic to the Integrated Clocked Circuited Logical Connections of Wires, like Computers, but I hate the pandemonium it has led me in. I used to have a formidable Facebook profile, well not so dreadful initially, but it sure couldn't keep that state of admiration so far. I would login everyday, endure the heavy posts from my friends, it's silly, they would generally answer a sluggish question, What's on your mind ?, and who would have thought that boneheads could actually have  links, photos, notes and real moronic videos, on their mind, to bum out my wall !
So I left it, I couldn't undergo that abhorrent website anymore. Then I started watching movies, satiated my mental state of commotion, noise and confusion, while doing so, I did not realize that I had cultivated an affection for horror movies, but soon they began to creep me out, not for their content but for the soporific plots, an antagonist demon possesses a girl child, girl turns evil, father shows up, restores girl's health and girl and family, whoever lasted, leaves the ordeal behind and moves on.
Meanwhile, I found nothing better to write up here, so here's one not so amusing random post !

Its a read, keep it up !

Singh (ਸਿੰਘ)

About Him

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Singh is an uber basic human, a bird, and a breadth. He writes to the head - above and below it. To learn more about him, keep singhing !

Selective Springs