Singh the Season of Changes.

The World around us is so obvious !
but Think About it.

Singh and Springs Wait for None

I don't know what kind of readers I get here, maybe some friends, local googlers, or those who really want to Singh, anyways, it doesn't bother me. This post, apart from being this year's first (Happy New Year though) is also going to be quite whimsical. I'm going to start an ordered list followed by a new sketch and its story =)
    1. Punjabi Pride : Dear fellow Punjabis, Jatts, Ramghariyas, and other famous last name holders who like to aggrandize the caste system and strive to be masculine, cocky or rather Pendu, by driving roofless black jeeps (landi jeeps); tying clean, sharp and pointed Patiala shahi Pughs (turbans) or smaller checkered truck driver/ farmer turbans; swearing (Pan****, Maaye) in public or in front of kids or wife or even wife's sister or strange aunties; boozing on
Do NOT forget to read the complete post !

About Him

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Singh is an uber basic human, a bird, and a breadth. He writes to the head - above and below it. To learn more about him, keep singhing !

Selective Springs